Dissent as an iPhone App
Group show curated by Àngels Miralda
19 - 16 April 2016
Débora Delmar Corp | Daniel Keller | Saemundur Thor Helgason | Ella Plevin
Stand over here.
Take a picture of the opposite wall.
Following the instructions.
Just like the one you see here.
Upload your image to DISSENT APP™
Every week the exhibition will change a bit.
You can help us make the archive.
Send in your image using the app forum.
Participate and Engage.
The exhibition explores the relationship between critique as a process-based practice and the intersection between user-generated content, branding and advertising space, and behavioral psychology applied to economy.
The app is imagined as a multi-layered solution to the online exhibition format. It attempts to provide a participatory critical platform where audience members can engage with the exhibition. It exists online but via a physical space and series of events, overlapping the virtual platform with a physical space. It relies on user-generated content to complete the exhibition. The opening is used as a launch for the beginning of a project, at the end of which, all participants will be credited.
“Doubt and skepticism are infinitely marketable. It’s a truism that criticality and/or criticism is perpetually in crisis, and that dissent can be recuperated for other applications; e.g. dissent as an iPhone app.”
The title of the exhibition comes from Joshua Decter’s Art is a Problem. The exhibition also attempts to negotiate how artists stand within critique of the art system while remaining within it, and how its contradictions allow a unique space for doubt and dissent.
Debora Delmar Corp (b. 1986, Mexico City)
Recent solo & 2 person: Club de Golf, Welcome Screen, London, 2015; Upward Mobility, Modern Art Oxford, 2015; Care Concepts, Mon Cheri, Brussels, 2015. Recent Group: Travesia Cuatro, Guadalajara, 2016; Follow, Fact, Liverpool, 2015; F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Evelyn Yard, London, 2015; Business as Usual, Turf Projects, Croydon, & STCFTHOTS, Leeds, 2015; Pizza Pavilion, Venice Biennial, 2015.
Daniel Keller (b. 1986, Detroit)
Recent Solo: Kai Dalston Bushwick, Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin, 2015; eVita, Casa Maauad, Mexico City, 2014; Lazy Ocean Drift, New Galerie, Paris.
Recent Group: Les Urbaines, Espace Arlaud, Lausanne, 2015; Super Superstudio, PAC, Milan, 2015; Whatever Man Built Can Be Taken Apart, Nassauischer Kunstverein, 2015; mHealth, Cell Project Space, London, 2015.
Semundur Thor Helgason (b. 1986, Reykjavik)
Recent Solo: Rate of Return %, Listasafn Reykjavik Art Museum, 2016.
Recent Group: CO-WORKERS, Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 2015; Vanity Fair | Demo Mode, Project Native Informant, London, 2015; KOMASVO, ASI Art Museum, Reykjavik, 2015, Degree Show, Goldsmiths University, London, 2015.
Ella Plevin (b. 1989, UK)
Ella Plevin is a journalist and stylist based in Berlin. She writes and photographs for Texte zur Kunst, Dazed, Sleek, Tank, and other publications as well as exhibition texts and independent pieces. Recently she has collaborated with Daniel Keller on Seastead Figures, for Pure Disclosure, Polypool, 2015.
Angels Miralda (b. 1990, Princeton, New Jersey)
Angels Miralda is an independent curator currently working between London and Berlin. Recent Exhibitions include: … and the soft ground in the garden was also a constellation…, Lychee One, London; His Sprinkled Blood Served to Fructify Three Golden Apples, Atelier 35, Bucharest; MNYITGHOHLOTGY, Modulab, Bucharest; Magic Hour, Area 51, London; Mapping in Memory, House of Egorn, Berlin.