Satellite Devotion

Tabita Rezaire

Opening Tuesday 2 July for the New moon – Solar eclipse, 6-9pm
Exhibition runs until Saturday 24 August, open Tuesday - Saturday 12-6pm
Part of our 2019 programme home


Installation view of Satellite Devotion, Tabita Rezaire, 2019, arebyte Gallery, London. Image: Christopher MacInnes

Installation view of Satellite Devotion, Tabita Rezaire, 2019, arebyte Gallery, London. Image: Christopher MacInnes

Events Programme:

New Moon Blessing
by Tabita Rezaire
Tuesday 2 July, 6 - 9pm

Join us for the opening of Satellite Devotion where Tabita will lead a New Moon offering.

Full Moon Blessing
by Gold Akanbi
Tuesday 16 July, 3 - 6pm
Wednesday 17 July, 3 - 6pm

Activities will include guided meditation, teachings on aura and colour energy, an introduction to the power of intuition, as well as tarot and spiritual readings

Participants can attend for the both days, or for individual activities.

Moon Landing Anniversary Blessing
by Isaac Kariuki
Saturday 20 July, 12.30 - 6pm

Come get your portrait on the moon by artist and photographer Isaac Kariuki.

Dark Moon Blessing
by Aisha Mirza
Wednesday 31 July, 7 - 9pm

Aisha Mirza and Mahta Hassanzadeh will be honoring the dark moon by performing an electronic sound bath comprised of bass frequencies you can hear and feel, field recordings (of public transit, religious murmurations, notes to self), and live vocals about feeling dead while standing and the rich beauty and relief of darkness.

New Moon Blessing
by Imani Francis Pennant
Thursday 1 August, 10 - 11.30am

Join us for a Khemetic yoga practice. Some mats included, please bring your own if you can.

Full Moon Blessing
by Rhoda Boateng and Esther Heller
Thursday 15 August, 7.30 - 9pm

The event will feature readings from Rhoda Adum Boateng, Rebecca Bellantoni, Chloe Filani, Esther Heller and Christopher Kirubi. 

arebyte Gallery are pleased to announce Satellite Devotion, a new installation by Tabita Rezaire.

The exhibition Satellite Devotion inaugurates Rezaire’s Center for Moon Studies and Practices. The moon has always inspired the hearts and minds while regulating many cycles in our eco-bio-social and energetic systems: from the tides of the oceans to our emotional territories, menstruations, germination, celestial celebrations and the measure of time. Now also a strategic asset within global spatial politics, the Moon is home to a vast array of speculation, conspiration as well as critical ecological, scientific, and spiritual teachings.

The Center for Moon Studies and Practices is an ever-evolving anchor for Moon knowledge to understand and experience the vastness of her influence and nourish our relationship with the Earth’s sole* natural satellite. In a quest to share Moon wisdoms across time and space, a 12 video-channel dome presents a constellation of Moon teachings from astrophysics to cosmology, astrology, agriculture, healing, history, magic, meditation, theology and spatial politics. Video interviews feature teachings from a shaman in the Amazonian forest; a traditional herbalist in Democratic Republic of the Congo; an astrophysicist in Guyana; the chief of the Druids and a South African yogi amongst others; while intimate video portraits of the moon filmed through Rezaire’s telescope accompany the artist’s moon meditations.    

Master of the Earth’s waters and our inner lands, the influence of the Moon continues to be  paramount in human history, activity and philosophy. Under the guidance of the moon, and the many lands and people who have cultivated and honoured her teachings, Satellite Devotion praises the motion of her cycle and shares the blessings of guardians of Moon wisdom from across the World.

Throughout the duration of Satellite Devotion we are called to live in moon time and bring our body-mind-spirits in alignment with the rhythm of the Moon. Through astronomical observation, lunar yogic practices, and mythologies, the moon wisdoms gathered here harvest the power and mysteries of our beloved satellite.

Satellite Devotion is an invitation to build intimacy with the Moon, an opportunity to experience her depth, and an ode to her glow.

* Other celestial bodies known as ‘mini moons’ or ‘quasi-moons’ orbit the Earth.

This exhibition is generously supported by Arts Council England, and features works commissioned by Daata Editions.

Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a means to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness. Navigating digital, corporeal and ancestral memory as sites of struggles, she digs into scientific imaginaries to tackle the pervasive matrix of coloniality and the protocols of energetic misalignments that affect the songs of our body-mind-spirits. Inspired by quantum and cosmic mechanics, Tabita’s work is rooted in time-spaces where technology and spirituality intersect as fertile ground to nourish visions of connection and emancipation. Through screen interfaces and collective offerings, she reminds us to open up our inner data centers to bypass western authority and download directly from soul.

Tabita is based in Cayenne, French Guyana. She has a Bachelor in Economics (Fr) and a Master of Research in Artist Moving Image from Central Saint Martins (Uk). Tabita is a founding member of the artist group NTU, half of the duo Malaxa, and the mother of the energy house SENEB.

Tabita has shown her work internationally – Serpentine London; MoMa NY; New Museum NY; Gropius Bau Berlin; MMOMA Moscow, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; HEK Basel; ICA London; V&A London; National Gallery Denmark; The Broad LA; MoCADA NY; Tate Modern London; Museum of Modern Art Paris – and contributed to several Biennales such as the Guangzhou Triennial, Athens Biennale, Kochi Biennale in 2018, Performa and Karachi Biennale in 2017 and Berlin Biennale in 2016.