Questioning The Soul

by Rebecca Edwards

The Soul


  • Living forever / Immortality

  • Digital Afterlife / Digital Death

  • Birth and death


  • What is the soul? As a philosophical question

The question of what the soul is has been a central topic of philosophical inquiry for centuries, and there is no single, agreed-upon answer among philosophers.

In general, the soul is often understood as the non-physical, incorporeal essence or principle of an individual, which is believed to animate and give meaning to their physical body and existence. The soul is often associated with qualities such as consciousness, self-awareness, and free will, and is often seen as the source of human identity and morality.

In some philosophical traditions, the soul is believed to be immortal, and is thought to persist beyond the physical death of the body. Other traditions hold that the soul is a transient phenomenon, and that it ceases to exist when the body dies.

The question of the soul has been explored by philosophers across a wide range of cultural and historical contexts, and has been approached from a variety of different philosophical perspectives. Some philosophers have sought to understand the nature of the soul through reason and logic, while others have looked to religious and spiritual traditions for guidance.

  • Sins vs. redemption

  • Reincarnation

  • An understanding of how deeply rooted traumas / experiences / histories affect our present

  • The immaterial

  • Something existing outside of consciousness, outside of our body, on a different plane of existence

Body related

  • Essence of a person - memory, nostalgia, identity, personality surviving past our physical body

  • Resurrection